Thursday, December 13, 2012

Last of 2nd 9 weeks

It is the last Thrusday before exams and I AM READY FOR BREAK!!!!!!! Mrs. Christie gave us till next sememster to make our music videos because she wants them to be good. I am so happy becuase i am only thru half way through the first verse!!!! Need to get it done!!!!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Turning in everything

So the end of the 9 weeks is close and im trying to turn in EVERYTHING as soon as possible

Music Video trying to find song

So thinking about this project made me think about doing a One Direction song. One Direction is THE best band ever alive


Because of me being sick i missed days doing this project so it isnt good at all!!!!!! just turned it in for late credit........ better than a zero right???

Motion for promotion

During my motion for promotion project i was sick and went on a feild trip. 5 days in total i missed. my project isnt good but atleast its in